Barak Philosoph
Barak Philosoph started his role in our team as the father of Shaked from the 2006 team, and continued mentoring us. During his years in the team, Barak has contributed and continues to contribute his wide knowledge to the team in Programming, Mechanics, and Control Systems. Barak was awarded the Woodie flowers award in 2009 for his longitudinal contribution to the team. During this season, Barak took a special role in mentoring our programming team and led the assistance they had given through the season and during our regional to many teams. During the regional he solved many communication problems which has occured in most of the routers and driver stations.
For the past few years, Barak has volunteered in many FIRST Israel events including FLL Judging, FTC and FRC Inspecting.
In 2018, Barak won the FIRST Tech Challenge Volunteer of the Year in Israel.